Sichuan Pommes Anna

Serves: 8

Time: 12.5 hours preparation time & 45 minuets cooking time.

Skill Level: Easy

Ingredients :

  •  20g of sichuan seasoning 

  •  1kg peeled maris pipers/king Edwards/Koffmann potatoes

  • 100-150g unsalted melted butter 


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°c fan/gas mark 4/5 and line a deep loaf tin with baking parchment (bottom & sides).

  2. Slice the potatoes with a mandolin or a knife at approximately 0.5cm thin.

  3.  Layer the potatoes flat with a slight overlap inside the bottom of the tray and brush with the melted butter. Sprinkle the Sichuan seasoning evenly between each layer and repeat this process 6-8 times depending on how many slices of potato you have left and also how big your baking tray is.

  4. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes.

  5. Check the potatoes are cooked placing a fork into the centre of the layers, the fork should be able to go through the potatoes with only little resistance. If you cook the potatoes too long, the potato will be too soft and fall apart like mash.

  6. When ready, leave on a cooling rack to cool down slightly before placing another tray of the same size on top of the pommes Anna. Place 4 tins on top of the tray to press the terrine. Place into the fridge for 12-24 hours to set before portioning.

  7. Remove the potato from the tin and discard the baking parchment. Slice into rectangles, place flat onto a non stick tray and bake in the oven at 180°c for a final 30 minutes until golden and crispy.


Tempura Enoki Mushroom with Sichuan Seasoning


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